7 Ways to Improve Your Baby’s Dental Health
Your baby’s new teeth are healthy and it’s natural that you’ll want to keep them that way. To help you along, our dentist at McGlone Dental Care in Denver wants to share 7 ways to improve your baby’s dental health. First of all, good dental habits start as soon as they have teeth and maybe even before.
Now, let’s look at the 7 ways to improve your baby’s dental health.
Dental Check-Ups
Make sure your child goes to the dentist for a check-up before their first birthday. It’s important to have our dentist make sure everything is going well. Even a CDC report shows that dental care costs can be reduced by about 40% over a period of five years for children who visit a dentist before the age of 5.
Plus, starting early typically helps kids get more comfortable going to the dentist.
Good Dental Habits
This is crucial to the health of your baby’s teeth. Start by using water and a soft baby toothbrush, or if you want you can use a soft washcloth to clean their gums even before their teeth appear. Once your baby has teeth, you should brush them twice per day using a baby toothbrush and a little bit of fluoride toothpaste.
When their teeth touch, that’s the time to start flossing. Gently brush their teeth and then floss right before bedtime. Remember, once their teeth are brushed don’t give them anything else to eat or drink unless it’s water. If you do, be sure to brush their teeth again.
Finally, don’t give your child mouthwash until they can spit it out without swallowing it.
Limit Sippy Cups
Sippy cups are great to help get kids off of the bottle, but they really shouldn’t be using them all day. The reason is that constant use of sippy cups causes tooth decay on the back of the front teeth. If they drink sugary drinks from a sippy cup it is even worse. The use of a sippy cup should be limited.
No Pacifier Past Age Two or Three
Pacifiers are fine, but don’t let your children use a pacifier after they are two or three years of age. Using a pacifier beyond that can affect the arrangement of their teeth and the shape of their mouth.
No Bottle At Bedtime
It’s important not to let your child lay down for a nap or bedtime with a bottle of juice or milk. What happens is the sugary liquids stick to their teeth. This keeps bacteria on the tooth enamel and can cause the teeth to rot. If they have to have a bottle, go with water.
Restrict Juice
Did you know that giving your child large quantities of juice can lead to tooth decay? When you do give them juice make sure it is 100% juice and only give them four ounces each day. If you can, restrict juice only at mealtimes and as a treat, not as a regular drink.
Brush After Medicine
The medicines your child might have to take for a cold or even for asthma are often loaded with sugar to make them taste better. However, sugary medicines can stick to their teeth and lead to cavities.
In addition, you should be aware that some asthma medicines and antibiotics can create an excess of candida. This can cause a fungal infection known as oral thrush. The warning signs of oral thrush are creamy, curd-like patches inside the mouth or on the tongue.
To keep your child’s teeth strong and healthy, we’re here to help starting with a check-up before their first birthday. Our dentist at McGlone Dental Care in Denver can discuss the 7 ways to improve your baby’s dental health and check their teeth. Good dental habits begin young, so call or contact us today.