Fall Dental Tips for You and Your Family
Summer is coming to an end (regrettably). The days are getting shorter, cooler and we’re looking forward to all things pumpkin!
For you to maintain optimum oral health in the coming cooler months, we thought we’d give you a few fall-friendly oral health tips that will hopefully help you plan your oral health care for this fall and winter with ease.

1. Cooler weather could indicate teeth issues
Do you suffer from sensitive teeth when it starts to get cooler out? Many people do. This could be your body’s way of signaling that there may be damage to your teeth or gums. Cold sensitivity could mean several things including; gum shrinkage, thin enamel or tooth bruising, or cracked teeth. If you are experiencing sensitive teeth this fall for more than three days, please call our office so that we can evaluate the problem and give you relief.
2. Halloween is coming! Manage your children’s candy consumption
Your children probably look forward to Halloween all year, but it’s important that you manage how much candy they consume from their trick or treating outings so that the candy they eat now doesn’t damage their teeth for the long haul. One tip to help you manage this is to only allow them to have candy at meal times. The saliva they produce after eating at meal times will help rinse the mouth and alleviate the mouth of any cavity-causing bacteria.
3. Schedule your end of year appointments now!
If your insurance allows you to have two exams and two cleanings per year, go ahead and schedule your last exam/cleaning appointment for the end of the year. We can look up when the last time you were in and make sure that we schedule your next cleaning in conjunction with what your insurance will pay for. Life gets super busy as it gets closer to the end of the year, so take a few minutes now to call us and let us help you get your cleaning appointments for you and your family pre-scheduled. It will be one less thing you have to think about as the year nears its end.
We hope these tips will help you have a fun fall and enjoy all of your kid’s Halloween treats in moderation.