New Artist in Residence Program at McGlone Dental Care

We moved into our new location in June and the aesthetic of the building is very hip with an open, industrial, modern vibe. As we started thinking about how we wanted the building to look and were shopping for décor that would match the great vibe we’ve created , we decided instead of purchasing stock art for the walls, we would reach out to local artists to see if we could get any interested in displaying local art on a rotating basis. That’s how our “Artist in Residence Program” was born!
The response from local artists, after just one post on a local community site, was amazing! We got more artists interested than we have months left to display art this year. We are currently booked with artists to display their art on the walls of McGlone Dental Care through October of next year.
All the artist’s work that is displayed here is for sale. We have a price list and description of each piece that is hung on our walls. If a piece sells we only ask that the artist donate 10% of their profit to an animal non-profit organization in Denver. We really like the Denver Dumb Friend’s League, but if an artist has their own non-profit they like to give to, that’s ok too.
In June when we started the “Artist in Residence Program”, our first artist Brett Cremeens partnered with us to display his art here. Brett uses acrylic’s, pencil, oil, White Out (Yes! White out that you are used to using for corrections), among other things on all types of surfaces. He creates art on paper, canvas, exterior and interior walls, denim jackets, and even doors. Brett painted the tooth logo that is painted prominently on the back of our building. He has also painted a beautiful, colorful sea turtle on the inside back door of our office. We have used bright colors mixed with neutrals to make the art pop on our walls. We also have several exposed brick walls that make a great back drop for any art.
July brings us a new artist, Elizabeth Erickson. She is a photographer that prints her art on metal and standard print material. Most of her images that are hung in our building are nature inspired. She doesn’t specialize in one type of photography. She photographs, stills, nature, families, family events, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvah’s and more. Her pieces are currently on display and are all for sale. If you’d like to stop in to take a peek, please do.
Here is our upcoming schedule of artists who will be displaying their art through the rest of the year at McGlone Dental Care:
September & October we will be featuring Jamie Lollback’s art. She specializes in product, art and portrait photography. We are excited to see what she comes up with to hang on our walls this fall. If you’d like a preview click here (link –
November & December we are excited to have Tom Lybeck share his art with us and our patients. Tom uses oils to paint beautiful, vibrant paintings. The categories he paints are landscapes, birds, animals, western scenes, predators (the animal kind) and gospel type paintings. He also produces prints and cards from his art. For a sneak peek at Tom’s style and art click here
As of now, we have November and December of 2018 open for a local artist to display their art. If you or someone you know may be interested in partnering with McGlone Dental Care, please give Meg a call at 303-759-0731. We hope our Artist in Residence Program will be a big hit and a win-win for everyone!